Breaking Down Your Warm List

Training Tip: Breaking Down Your Warm List
You should have your list of 50-100 people that you were asked to do when you first started your business. This is something that you will use every single month throughout your career here, so do not skip this step.
Need help making a list — try some of these memory joggers:
List 10 friends
List 10 relatives
List 10 people who work in offices
List 10 people who have kids
List 10 people from church, Bible study, club, organization
List 10 people who live within 1-2 miles from you
List 10 people in their twenties
List 10 people in their thirties
List 10 people in their forties
List 10 people in their fifties
List 10 people in their sixties
List 10 people in their seventies
If you listed 10 people in each of those categories, you are working with a list of 120 people! WOWzers!! Great job!
Now let’s break down the list:
1. Mark a P next to anyone you know who you could ask to do a Party for you (close to you, held other direct sales parties in the past, likes to entertain) = Party leads for you!
2. Mark a $ sign next to anyone on the list that could use an extra $500 a month income. = Sponsoring leads for you/people to join your team
3. Mark a C next to anyone you know who works in an office or works with eight or more women. = potential office party or catalog party
4. Mark F next to anyone you know who might be interested in fundraising (sport, organization, charity, etc) = Fundraising prospects
5. Mark ** next to anyone that you would like to invite to your launch/Grand Opening party = guests for your party
Now that you have broken down your list, it makes it easier to figure out who you are going to talk to about what part of your business. Take the time to sit down and do this bc it will definitely save you time and give you far more success than just taking shots in the dark, or worse, not taking a shot at all.

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